News about new pairs!

  1. Click on wordpress hosting
  2. Click on LOG IN
  3. Click on pages
  4. FOR POSTING A NEW PAGE click on Add New
  5. Add title
  6. Click the blue plus and choose paragraph. Then you can type in whatever you want, or cut and paste text there.
  7. You can also pick on the blue plus and choose image. Click upload and you can upload anything from your desktop.  I think it just does jpeg files.
  8. To add a link, highlight where you want the link to go, click the chain image in the tool bar, and enter the URL where you want the link to go.  TO FIND THE URL of your pages, go to pages/All Posts.  Under the webpage title, click on view.  The URL will be displayed in the URL box at the top.
  9. You can use Preview on the upper right to see what it will look like, or Publish to put it on the web.
  10. FOR EDITING AN EXISTING PAGE click on All Posts
  11. All of the pages you have written will appear
  12. You can select one and click on edit. The page will appear and you can revise it. Then click UPDATE to save your changes
  13. To search for a page, click on All Posts. Type in key words in the text box next to Search Posts on the middle right side of the page
  14. Click edit
  15. When finished with changes, click update

Newest pair Added Romanogers- Captain America & Black widow from Marvel Comics!